Flight: 35 Second Radio Advert

Commercials with lengthy information based on promoting events and announcements for a duration of 35 seconds.

Live Read Advert

Is a message that the radio station presenters delivers outside for 30 seconds. Live read can be form of Ad Campaign.

Talk shows and interview per minute

This is a live transmission of events i.e. Launches, Imbizo, Seminars, Summits, Cists per hour.

Sponsorship of news/show

A Sponsorship is a long-term partnership, which keeps a brand at the forefront of listeners mind.

Outside Broadcast per hour

This is a live transmission of events i.e. Launches, Imbizo, Seminars, Summits, Cists per hour.

Live Video streaming per hour

Live Streaming is when the streamed video is sent over the internet in real time, without first being recorded and stored

Sound / Music Production per Video

Recording and mastering of sound This is a shooting and editing of video

T-shirt Printing: Sweater, Hood, Pants, T-shirt

You name it, We brand it. We also sell our own brands: Xhosa Nostra, Boss Lady, The Hustler Bitter Love

Red Carpet event

Rate R10 000.00

Preaching slot

R5000.00 (1hr/1 Month), R8000.00 (2hrs/1 Month), R12 000.00 (3hrs/1 Month), R15 000.00 (4hrs/1 Month)


39988 Shakespeare road Scenery park, phase 2
East London

Email Address:


043 285 0506

076 918 2900